
the food museum

exploring and celebrating food

Blog posts : "Food heritage"

Buh-Bye to Summer, But Not ( Yet) to Ice Cream and Tomatoes

Salem, NJ, was home both to Lewis Bassett, founder of Bassetts Ice Cream in Philly, but also to Col Johnson who did NOT stand on the steps of the courthouse eating a tomato....Read on.

Another in our food heritage postings at Mother Earth News.

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Repurposing a "Food" Building for Food

Check out our recent post on Mother Earth News.   A group in Chicago is turning a 1925 meat packing plant into a food hub, rich with entrepreneurship activities. This is on-going food heritage!

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Bringing Back Old Apples, Enticing with "New" Tastes

17,000 apple varieties were once widespread across the US, beginning in the 1600's. Today we are supposed to be delighted with the Delicious apples, sweet, often mushy, extremely ordinary.

Once orchardists went with one or  two varieties, instead of the many that were available, they were struck …

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Food Heritage in an Old Family Photo

The Food Museum's latest entry at Mother Earth News explores what food heritage lurks in an old photo.

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A Florida Shell Mound, Human Bar-B-Q and more....

"A Well Preserved Florida Shell Mound in St. Petersburg" is The Food Museum's latest food heritage entry at Mother Earth News.

Check it out here.

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5 blog posts