
the food museum

exploring and celebrating food

Blog posts : "Charity via food"

Foiled in FL from Feeding the Hungry?

According to the Independent, "A 90-year-old man is facing up to 60 days in jail for feeding the needy due to a new law that bans people in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, from meal-sharing with the public.

The new regulations require groups to be at least 500 feet away from residential properties and fo…

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Nixing the Feeding of the Homeless

"According to a report released Monday by the National Coalition for the Homeless, 21 cities have passed measures aimed at restricting the people who feed the homeless since January 2013. In that same time, similar legislation was introduced in more than 10 cities. "

NPR reports that that as cit…

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Tax Incentives to Ensure Excess Food Reaches The Hungry

"Tax incentives should be expanded to prompt restaurants, grocery stores and farmers to donate excess food to the hungry and cut into the estimated 70 billion pounds of food that goes to waste each year, U.S. senators including Patrick Leahy say in proposing such an expansion."

According to the AP…

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3 blog posts